
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Infestation of Asian Pear

Two years ago, my Asian pear trees (Niitaka and Hosui) were infected with fireblight.  They were almost die.  Couple applications of fertilome fireblight spray (21% Streptomycin) during budding and flowering seemed to take care of the problem this year.  Unfortunately, I wasn't pay much particular attention when the tree was starting to produce fruit.  I was just about to thin the fruits when they reach the nickel size.  I found some ugly tiny fruits.

The hosui pears were bubbled up to form a very strange shape.

Some were completely infested

Some fruits were producing white tubes and orange dust

Cut the fruit open and place in under my stereo microscope.
It appears that there are some sort of insect infestation in isde.

The white tube under stereo microscope.

I sent the pictures to Georgia Gardener.  I received the response. It appears that the white tubes are from some sort of fugal infection similar to Cedar - Hawthorn rust (The fungus develops on a cedar tree and then infects hawthorn trees growing close by. After growing on the leaves, orange, dusty spores are released that colonize nearby cedar trees.)  After research a little bit, the same type of rust fungus also form similar life-cycle between the juniper and pear/apple.  I also received the response from the Gwinnett county agriculture extension about the insect infestation.  They might be codling moth or Asian fruit moth.  I am not sure which one.  I am going to set up some trap to collect some moth during the summer.
It looks like I will have smaller crop this year.  The infection is serious. It almost wiped out three quarters of all my fruits.  I will remember to treat the tree when my tress start setting fruits next year.